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Ways to remember your baby


Revisiting your memories and keepsakes, telling your story to sympathetic listeners or turning to activities that offer a sense of meaning or renewal can be of help.

Here are a few ideas of things that can be done:


In your home:

We weren't able to have a service for angel so there is no pretty headstone to go talk to her at or her ashes on the mantel piece. But on my dressing table (so I see this area every single morning and every time I go in my bedroom) there is a lantern with Tinkerbelle inside.
Nicola, Angel's mom


I keep his large photo on my dresser alongside the box which has his hair and hands and foot molds in it.
Louise, Ezra's mom


We have a table that had all of Angel's pictures and flowers from the funeral on it. So that's forever known as Angel's table. And I have a peace lily we got from her funeral in 2013 that every time the flowers bloom, we say Angel's saying hi and she loves us.
LaShelle, Angel's mom

Angel's table



In your own garden:

We've planted a tree and plants and have Angel figures amongst it. Also have a bench with a plaque in our home garden.
Kelly, Blessing's mom

Blessing's garden


Blessing's bench


Blessing's bench


We have a memorial garden in our front yard
Katrina, Abigail's mom

Abigail's garden


I created a garden in my back yard for my daughter - a place I feel I'm closer to her under the stars and in the wind - wind chimes and butterflies, sweet smells and constant seasonal change and growth keeps me grounded and focused- I no longer need to care for her but I can't stop wanting too so it gives my hands and my motherly drive a place to go. I cry there and eat dinner out there, I pray and I drink with my close friend out there - it's a safe place. I have claimed a space and I choose when to retreat to it and when to share it - it's given me a sense of control when I have lost it all. It's not for everyone but I was never a "Gardner" until my spirit needed to tend a garden.
Sunni, mom to Emma Lou

Sunni's garden



In the cementary:

This is a rose bush we planted at her headstone. We go to the cemetery often and her big brother and little sister love decorating. It's their job to pick and put out decorations.
Heather, mom to Lilly

Lilly's roses



Somewhere else:

We have a remembering place for David and Charlotte. It is a tree we planted in a peaceful wood. Their grave is further from home now because we moved house, so sometimes we go here to be quiet and remember them.
Tim, father to David and Charlotte

David and Charlotte's tree



Last updated January 18, 2021