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Billeder af børn med anencefali


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Anouk, baby with anencephaly Anouk, baby with anencephaly Anna, baby with anencephaly
Anouk Anouk Anna
Anna, baby with anencephaly Amanda, baby with anencephaly Joyann, baby with anencephaly
Anna Amanda Joyann
Matthew and Emily, baby with anencephaly Matthew and Emily, baby with anencephaly Pedro Jose, baby with anencephaly
Matthew and Emily Matthew and Emily Pedro José
Luke Daniel, baby with anencephaly Luke Daniel, baby with anencephaly Faith and Sarah, baby with anencephaly
Luke Daniel Luke Daniel Faith and Sarah
Faith, baby with anencephaly Faith and Sarah, baby with anencephaly Maryann, baby with anencephaly
Faith and Sarah Faith and Sarah Maryann
Presley Marie, baby with anencephaly Presley Marie, baby with anencephaly
Presley Marie Presley Marie
Jenna Grace, baby with anencephaly Jenna Grace, baby with anencephaly Jenna Grace, baby with anencephaly
Jenna Grace Jenna Grace Jenna Grace
Malachi Samuel, baby with anencephaly Malachi Samuel, baby with anencephaly Joey
Malachi Samuel Malachi Samuel Joseph Jerome
Joey, baby with anencephaly Joey, baby with anencephaly Joey, baby with anencephaly
Joseph Jerome Joseph Jerome Joseph Jerome
Zakary, baby with anencephaly Zakary, baby with anencephaly Kyle Benjamin, baby with anencephaly
Zakary Evan Zakary Evan Kyle Benjamin *
Kyle Benjamin, baby with anencephaly Kyle Benjamin, baby with anencephaly Kyle Benjamin, baby with anencephaly
Kyle Benjamin * Kyle Benjamin * Kyle Benjamin *
Michael David, baby with anencephaly Michael David, baby with anencephaly Michael David, baby with anencephaly
Michael David Michael David Michael David
Ava Grace, baby with anencephaly Isabel Eve, baby with anencephaly Isabel Eve, baby with anencephaly
Ava Grace Isabel Eve Isabel Eve
Isabel Eve, baby with anencephaly Julie, baby with anencephaly Julie, baby with anencephaly
Isabel Eve Julie Julie
McCoy, baby with anencephaly McCoy, baby with anencephaly McCoy, baby with anencephaly
McCoy McCoy McCoy *
McCoy, baby with anencephaly Jaden Thien, baby with anencephaly Sarah, baby with anencephaly
McCoy * Jaden Thien Sarah
Sarah, baby with anencephaly Sarah, baby with anencephaly Gracie Lynn, baby with anencephaly
Sarah Sarah Gracie Lynn
Gabriel John, baby with anencephaly Gabriel John, baby with anencephaly Chase, baby with anencephaly
Gabriel John Gabriel John Chase
Austin John, baby with anencephaly Austin John, baby with anencephaly Austin John, baby with anencephaly
Austin John * Austin John * Austin John *
Austin John, baby with anencephaly Isaac Ayden, baby with anencephaly Isaac Ayden, baby with anencephaly
Austin John * Isaac Ayden Isaac Ayden
Noah Alexander, baby with anencephaly Noah Alexander, baby with anencephaly Noah Alexander, baby with anencephaly
Noah Alexander * Noah Alexander * Noah Alexander *
Noah Alexander, baby with anencephaly Grayson Abbott, baby with anencephaly Grayson Abbott, baby with anencephaly
Noah Alexander * Grayson Abbott Grayson Abbott
Grayson Abbott, baby with anencephaly Taylor Wayne, baby with anencephaly Taylor Wayne, baby with anencephaly
Grayson Abbott Taylor Wayne Taylor Wayne
Taylor Wayne, baby with anencephaly Gianna Faith-Dawn, baby with anencephaly Samuel David, baby with anencephaly
Taylor Wayne Gianna Faith-Dawn Samuel David
Samuel David, baby with anencephaly Samuel David, baby with anencephaly Samuel David, baby with anencephaly
Samuel David Samuel David Samuel David
Carmen Arviansyah, baby with anencephaly Carmen Arviansyah, baby with anencephaly Carmen Arviansyah, baby with anencephaly
Carmen Arviansyah Carmen Arviansyah Carmen Arviansyah
Jordan Marie, baby with anencephaly Antony, baby with anencephaly Antony, baby with anencephaly
Jordan Marie Anthony Jr * Anthony Jr *
Antony, baby with anencephaly Antony, baby with anencephaly Antony, baby with anencephaly
Anthony Jr * Anthony Jr * Anthony Jr *
Antony, baby with anencephaly Clara, baby with anencephaly Clara, baby with anencephaly
Anthony Jr Clara Clara
Zak Nathan, baby with anencephaly Emily and Hayden, twins discordant for anencephaly Emily and Hayden, twins discordant for anencephaly
Zak Nathan Emily and Hayden Emily and Hayden
Gracelyn, baby with anencephaly Gracelyn, baby with anencephaly Faith Elizabeth, baby with anencephaly
Gracelyn Hope * Gracelyn Hope * Faith Elizabeth *
Faith Elizabeth, baby with anencephaly Faith Elizabeth, baby with anencephaly Konnor, baby with anencephaly
Faith Elizabeth * Faith Elizabeth * Konnor Scott
Konnor, baby with anencephaly Konnor, baby with anencephaly Leila, baby with anencephaly
Konnor Scott Konnor Scott Leila Anne
Leila, baby with anencephaly Leila, baby with anencephaly Khaylena, baby with anencephaly
Leila Anne Leila Anne Khaylena
Khaylena, baby with anencephaly Carleigh McKenna, baby with anencephaly Carleigh McKenna, baby with anencephaly
Khaylena Carleigh McKenna Carleigh McKenna
Carleigh McKenna, baby with anencephaly Carleigh McKenna, baby with anencephaly Carleigh McKenna, baby with anencephaly
Carleigh McKenna Carleigh McKenna Carleigh McKenna
Madeline and Molly, twins with anencephaly Madeline and Molly, twins with anencephaly Ambra Storm, baby with anencephaly
Madeline and Molly Madeline and Molly Ambra Storm
Ambra Storm, baby with anencephaly Rachel Alice, baby with anencephaly Rachel Alice, baby with anencephaly
Ambra Storm Rachel Alice Rachel Alice
Ambra Storm, baby with anencephaly Dorian Gabriel, baby born with anencephaly Kevin Christopher, baby born with anencephaly
Juliana Lucille Dorian Gabriel Kevin Christopher
Kevin Christopher, baby born with anencephaly Kevin Christopher, baby born with anencephaly Kevin Christopher, baby born with anencephaly
Kevin Christopher Kevin Christopher Kevin Christopher
Theo Nathaniel, baby with anencephaly Theo Nathaniel, baby with anencephaly Bethani Beryl, baby with anencephaly
Theo Nathaniel Theo Nathaniel Bethani Beryl
Joshua Melvin, baby with anencephaly Kassidy Briana, baby with anencephaly Kassidy Briana, baby with anencephaly
Joshua Melvin Kassidy Briana Kassidy Briana
Madilynn Anahera, baby with anencephaly Madilynn Anahera, baby with anencephaly Madilynn Anahera, baby with anencephaly
Madilynn Anahera Madilynn Anahera Madilynn Anahera
Madilynn Anahera, baby with anencephaly Madilynn Anahera, baby with anencephaly Elizabeth, twin with anencephaly
Madilynn Anahera Madilynn Anahera Elizabeth
Elizabeth, twin with anencephaly Anastasia Joy, baby with anencephaly Matthew and Noah, twins with anencephaly
Elizabeth and Lauren Anastasia Joy Matthew and Noah
Matthew James, twin with anencephaly Noah Ryleigh, twin with anencephaly Oran, twin with anencephaly
Matthew James Noah Ryleigh Oran
Oran, twin with anencephaly Amalya Nathaniel, baby with anencephaly Amalya Nathaniel, baby with anencephaly
Oran Amalya Nathaniel Amalya Nathaniel
Makenna, baby with anencephaly Makenna, baby with anencephaly Ryder William, baby with anencephaly
Makenna Makenna Ryder William
Abigail Leigh, baby with anencephaly Abigail Leigh, baby with anencephaly Kaitlin Mary, baby with anencephaly
Abigail Leigh Abigail Leigh Kaitlin Mary
Marvella Jean Love, baby with anencephaly Marvella Jean Love, baby with anencephaly Marvella Jean Love, baby with anencephaly
Marvella Marvella Marvella
Marvella Jean Love, baby with anencephaly Marvella Jean Love, baby with anencephaly Marvella Jean Love, baby with anencephaly
Marvella Marvella Marvella
Harlan, baby with anencephaly Oliver Joseph, baby with anencephaly Shane Michael, baby with anencephaly
Harlan Oliver Joseph Shane Michael
Shane Michael, baby with anencephaly Shane Michael, baby with anencephaly Shane Michael, baby with anencephaly
Shane Michael Shane Michael Shane Michael
Shane Michael, baby with anencephaly Nathan Lukas, baby with anencephaly Nathan Lukas, baby with anencephaly
Shane Michael Nathan Lukas Nathan Lukas
Wonderful Legacy Asante, baby with anencephaly Wonderful Legacy Asante, baby with anencephaly Marley Jane, baby with anencephaly
Wonderful Legacy Wonderful Legacy Marley Jane
Marley Jane, baby with anencephaly Marley Jane, baby with anencephaly Lucy Sunflower, baby with anencephaly
Marley Jane Marley Jane Lucy Sunflower
Lucy Sunflower, baby with anencephaly Lucy Sunflower, baby with anencephaly Lucy Sunflower, baby with anencephaly
Lucy Sunflower Lucy Sunflower Lucy Sunflower
Lucy Sunflower, baby with anencephaly Eira Rae, baby with anencephaly Eira Rae, baby with anencephaly
Lucy Sunflower Eira Rae Eira Rae
Joy, baby with anencephaly Joy, baby with anencephaly Kyra Jean, baby with anencephaly
Joy Joy Kyra Jean
Kyra Jean, baby with anencephaly Emmanuel John, baby with anencephaly Emmanuel John, baby with anencephaly
Kyra Jean Emmanuel John Emmanuel John
Emmanuel John, baby with anencephaly Emmanuel John, baby with anencephaly Emmanuel John, baby with anencephaly
Emmanuel John Emmanuel John Emmanuel John
Ethan David, baby with anencephaly Ethan David, baby with anencephaly Ethan David, baby with anencephaly
Ethan David Ethan David Ethan David
James Henry, baby with anencephaly James Henry, baby with anencephaly Jaycee, baby with anencephaly
James Henry James Henry Jaycee
Avery Ann, baby with anencephaly Avery Ann, baby with anencephaly Serenity Grace, baby with anencephaly
Avery Ann Avery Ann Serenity Grace
Charlotte Kathleen, baby with anencephaly Charlotte Kathleen, baby with anencephaly Brigid Valentine, baby with anencephaly
Charlotte Kathleen Charlotte Kathleen Brigid Valentine
Wendy Belle, baby with anencephaly Joshua Philip, baby with anencephaly Joshua Philip, baby with anencephaly
Wendy Belle Joshua Philip Joshua Philip
Joshua Philip, baby with anencephaly Everly, baby with anencephaly Everly, baby with anencephaly
Joshua Philip Everly Everly
Olivia Elise, baby with anencephaly Olivia Elise, baby with anencephaly Olivia Elise, baby with anencephaly
Olivia Elise Olivia Elise Olivia Elise
Railyn Hope, baby with anencephaly Railyn Hope, baby with anencephaly Railyn Hope, baby with anencephaly
Railyn Hope Railyn Hope Railyn Hope
Ozzie Isaiah, baby with anencephaly Ozzie Isaiah, baby with anencephaly Ozzie Isaiah, baby with anencephaly
Ozzie Isaiah Ozzie Isaiah Ozzie Isaiah
Ozzie Isaiah, baby with anencephaly Ozzie Isaiah, baby with anencephaly Ozzie Isaiah, baby with anencephaly
Ozzie Isaiah Ozzie Isaiah Ozzie Isaiah
Albi, baby with anencephaly Albi, baby with anencephaly Vincent Ambrose, baby with anencephaly
Albi and Bobby Albi and Bobby Vincent Ambrose
Luna Faith, baby with anencephaly Gabriel Jude, baby with anencephaly Gabriel Jude, baby with anencephaly
Luna Faith Gabriel Jude Gabriel Jude
Gabriel Jude, baby with anencephaly Gabriel Jude, baby with anencephaly Ava-Marie, baby with anencephaly
Gabriel Jude Gabriel Jude Ava-Marie
Ava-Marie, baby with anencephaly Luke Anderson Wilde, baby with anencephaly Luke Anderson Wilde, baby with anencephaly
Ava-Marie Luke Anderson Luke Anderson

Hvis du venter et barn med anencefali, kan vi det være vigtigt at se billeder af, hvordan hovedet ser ud på et barn med anencefali. Der er en privat side, hvor du kan se nogle billeder af børn; billeder som er taget i kærlighed til deres børn; præcis som de var. Disse billeder er kun til forældre! Klik her for at få adgang.
Billeder med "*" er blevet taget a fen fotograf fra foreningen "Now I lay me down to sleep". De hjælper omsorgsfuldt forældre som oplever spædbarnsdødelighed. NILMDTS tilbyder noget vigtigt til vores fællesskab. Familier, som er overvældet af sorg og smerte, tænker ofte ikke som det første på at få taget billeder. At tilbyde smukke og rolige billeder og video-sekvenser er en omsorgsfuld og følsom er hjertet i denne organisation. For mange bliver disse billeder nogle af de vigtigste fysiske minder, de har og bliver en vigtig del af helings-processen.

Her kan du finde links til videoer and slideshows af babyer, som er født med anencefali.

Sidst opdateret: 03.03.2022